擁有25年製床技術的資深床墊技師Roy Wickline,於美國加州聖地牙哥,設立了Wickline Bedding,開啟美西第一床墊品牌傳奇故事。
Bedding architect Roy Wickline founds Wickline Bedding Company in San Diego, California U.S.A.
Wickline Bedding 堅持以最佳的品質與優異的工藝技術,手工打造出精緻的睡眠環境,以客製化的服務滿足了全美消費者的各式需求。
Wickline Bedding Company starts handcrafting mattresses with finest quality and craftsmanship. Provides his customers with personalized service.
Wickline Bedding 持續研發各項新型專利科技與素材,改善大眾的睡眠文化,成功塑造出床墊界創新研發的領導地位。
As a leading innovator within the bedding industry, Wickline Bedding Company is consistently reviewing new technologies and components to enhance sleep.
Such as Everflex Bonnel, Duraflex High Profile Offset, Superlastic Continuos Coil and Thermalux Foam.
素有「美國床墊第一家庭」稱號的Malkiewicz家族 收購 Wickline Bedding,並帶領旗下品牌進入飛躍 性的成長階段。
“First family of bedding industry” The Malkiewicz’s purchases Wickline Bedding Company.
全球第一張免翻面床墊「Comfort Deluxe」,于1982 年誕生,從此改寫整個床墊產業的發展歷程。因為有了這 個設計,美國艾綠床墊被美國國家航空和宇宙航行局列為 床墊的最佳選擇。
In 1982, launches new product “Comfort Deluxe”, the first No-Turn mattress in the world. Sleep Therapy selected by NASA Space Shuttle program as the preffered mattress of choice due to its light weight for lift off and NO TURN PLUS design.
美國職棒大聯盟名人打擊王Tony Gwynn,正式成為美國艾綠代言人。 美國艾綠獲得「今日家具」及「家具雜誌」最佳設計獎。 美國艾綠床墊改變了大眾睡眠習慣。 創新的免翻面床墊結構更是影響了床墊製造產業。
“Mr.padre”, Tony Gwynn, the hall of fame player of MLB. He becomes the spokesperson of Sleep Therapy. Sleep Therapy awarded “Best of Show” and “Best in Design” by Furniture Today and Bedroom Magazine. Sleep Therapy changes the way the world sleeps. The NO
老總裁Ray Malkiewicz 榮獲前美國總統喬治˙布希於白宮接見
Ray Malkiewicz with U.S President “George Walker Bush”
Sleep Therapy美國艾綠名床,不斷研發並選用創新環保的 床墊科技與素材,成功打造環保床墊第一品牌的地位。
Sleep Therapy starts using innovative environmental bedding materials andtechnologies. Such as Q Pocket Coils system, Gentle
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